Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 28, 2011

100 DAYS OLD!!

My Sweet Baby Boy is 100 days old.
I am so proud of my little bug for all the growing he is doing but his Mama would also like to freeze the moment forever!

Will she stop taking pictures if I eat this sign??

Didn't we just get home from the hospital???

Fall Hikes

Christian has fallen in step with his Papa, Mama, Benjamin, and Stanford, LOVING the outdoors and soaking in the glorious fall hikes we take almost every weekend morning!

While on the walk to Falls Lake near our house he fell asleep and we couldn't resist a picture of those cheeks snug in the Bjorn.

If only Mama could reach those cheeks to nibble on while we hike the lake! :)

Christian's First NC State Fair

There's a chill in the air, the leaves are changing. and the State Fair has arrived!
Big brother Benjamin had so much fun showing Christian all of the animals and how to ride the carousel.
And although it may not have been the fair's famous Krispy Kreme burger (that is NOT a typo) or the deep fried Kool Aid Benjamin did enjoy a special candy apple.
Christian's focus was so intent on that candy apple that we're certain he will be asking for one next year :)

For now he was Mama and Papa's delicious little treat at the fair :) Better than any deep fried anything!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reaching for the Stars!

Let the games begin :)....
My little champion reached out and grabbed his first toy (in his favorite activity jungle) on October 18. Mark the date as this means that he's making his first moves! :) He was so proud of himself that he couldn't stop smiling and he didn't want to let go!

I am SO proud of you little Bug!!

Christian's First Fall

Already enjoying the gorgeous fall weather, Christian has loved picking his first pumpkins, going for long walks in the woods and being outside for hours on end during the day.
He is certainly our favorite little pumpkin!! :)

 Big brother Benjamin couldn't decide if he wanted to hold Christian or the pumpkins more :)

We can't wait for the holidays to arrive this fall!

Having fun with our boy :)

Some of you may remember the Money, Money, Money song and dance we liked to do with Benjamin when he was a baby.
Well....Christian has earned his own special fun with Papa which we lovingly refer to as his Kung Fu Panda...which Mama had to capture on video as soon as possible! He makes us laugh without even saying a word :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Special Visitors

Christian got to meet his Uncle Jimmy and wish him good luck before his big race with Papa! Go team!! You ROCK Uncle Jimmy!!

And he had a special visit from his Mimi who couldn't wait until turkey day to see him again :)

We love you Mimi!!

Bumbo/Bouncer Fever

Christian is a definite fan of his Bumbo and his Johnny Jumper!  I just can't believe he wanted to start jumping at just barely 11 weeks!

We know he is thinking that each new item brings him closer and closer to chasing after his brother :)
What a little go-getter!

I just love these boys!!!

Bathing Buddha

At no time can you be any more delicious then when you are just out of your bath and wrapped up as my delectable little burrito!
Mama can not get enough of you Buddha!!!

Excerpt from Christian's diary

Dear diary,
I am learning something new every day! What an amazing world out here.
Today I discovered that it may not be wise for me to try and turn my head to watch big brother WHILE I am still eating.
Mama made the funniest noise!
Hmmm, I guess "that" doesn't stretch that far! So noted. :)

No...he is not a scooby snack!

Christian also had his first visit to an aquarium and we couldn't tell what he liked watching more...the fish or his big brother running circles and pointing at every new discovery.
Mama was a little suspicious of the enormous sharks as we moved below them....they seemed to be lingering a little too long looking at my chunky monkey.

No he is NOT a scooby snack! I may nibble on him all the time but you may not!

Your first visit to the Ocean

In his short ten weeks of life Christian has become a seasoned traveler! He had his first visit to the ocean during a wonderful family vacation to South Carolina and was certainly amazed by the sights and sounds!

He LOVED long walks on the beach and the real sound of waves crashing versus the sound machine in his room at home :)

Christian was quite the "chic magnet" in all his bathing beauty too :) Complete with his own Tommy Bahama beach umbrella set-up :)

We loved sharing so many new adventures with our special little man!