Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Sweet Baby Sleeping

As if Christian knew all along what his in-utero nickname was (and what hangs on his nursery wall), he is truly my Sweet Baby.
Sleeping so peacefully no matter what is happening around him....
Smiling, happy, content, easy-going, giggling, making everyone around him happier with each moment.
We love you Christian!

A little wad of baby dough :)

Oh how I love my delicious little boy!

My Buddha Buddha.
The more he grows the more baby sugar there is to eat :)

Baby's Breath

One of the sweetest, purest scents on earth is my baby's breath.
I cherish each quiet moment when he falls asleep on my shoulder so comfortable with his little mouth open in a sound sleep and I can breath in each of his little exhales.
Christian, your breath is proof positive that you were sent from the heavens to be with us here!

First Halloween

Happy first Halloween to my sweet little treat :)
Carving his first pumpkin with Papa and brother

A little dragon dough ball :)

What fun he had all dressed up in his costume with big brother (and big dragon!).
Needless to say Mama and Papa enjoyed dressing up their little guys and enjoying the festivities!