Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Or maybe lobster for dinner??

Anyone craving lobster? I am!
And those little sausage feet can be dipped in butter for dessert :)

Mimi's Spaghetti

Dear Mimi,
Oh how I love your spaghetti. I'd like to wear it as a fact, I think I might try that! :)


It's official, football season is here! And the Leonardo house is ready to cheer on their beloved Irish!
All my boys are decked out in their Irish best (yes, even the dog is wearing his jersey!!)
A proud ND Papa and his Irish boys!
 Now, Christian is just trying to figure out which drink to bring to the tailgate :) Maybe he'll double fist it :)

What preschool looks like for the little brother...

Christian loves watching his big brother get all excited to run in to his new classroom at St. Francis. And after an introduction to the car box on orientation day, Christian is ready to join in on the fun too (not yet my little one...give Mama a couple more years before you are ready to race off!). But the constant back and forth in the car is REALLY what preschool feels like for little brother....

You are the most patient, easy-going guy Mama has ever met Christian! Thank you for being so understanding with all of the hours we spend in the car each week.Now....I'm going to eat some baby sugar for a late breakfast :) hee hee hee!

A secret adventure with Papa

Long lost pics from our Adirondack adventures have surfaced thanks to Mama searching through Papa's phone pics. Little did she know that Papa had such great pics of Christian's first hike up Rocky Point! And a celebratory "baba" when he reached the top :)

Headed up with Papa and loving every minute of it! Papa feels the same way too!
Made it to the summit!
 Christian cheered for Mama as they watched me water ski down below :)

You make us so happy Christian!!! What a special morning adventure with your Papa in the mountains. Next year Mama will find these pics a whole lot sooner :)