Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Chew Here

Aunt Anne Marie made her godson (Benjamin) this perfect onesie not so long ago when our little chunky monkey had rolls upon rolls of baby sugar. She didn't know at the time that her gift would also "fit" our second little angel from God (and HIS rolls :)).
Yes! Those are arrows pointing right to my rolls :)

How did you know how delicious my thighs would be Aunt Anne Marie?? :)

Sunday, June 24, 2012


I look at these two beautiful boys and I can not believe they are from me!
And more often than not I wonder how they could possibly be any more beautiful and today when they rode in the grocery cart happy as two peas in a pod (both driving!).

Christian, you and your brother make me so very happy!!

My favorite part about baby feet...

How they mush so perfectly flat together! My sweet Christian sausages are perfect for peakaboo AND for lots of nibbles :)

Getting ready for the Adirondacks

He's been watching Mama pack for long enough. :) Today Christian thought he'd try on some mountain gear and start getting ready for our vacation :)

You make Papa so happy!

Father's Day 2012 was a special one for Papa!! What better way to spend it than with his two boys eating breakfast in bed, grilling, and playing in the sprinkler to wrap up the day on a beautiful summer's evening.

You are the most amazing Papa and WE LOVE YOU!!

No mistaking...

You've been moving around for more than a month now Christian..."crawling"/scooting/army crawling on your belly...but as of June 15, all of that practice literally took off!
Now you move at warp speed with the biggest smile on your face when you can come and find Mama in the kitchen or chase brother and his cars :)
The world (our house :)) is like an uninterrupted race course all for you :)

We are SO very proud of you my sweet baby boy!

The new Car Talk Brothers

I think it was inevitable...with Benjamin's love of cars how could Christian resist?
The two brothers love to work on cars together! Boy would I love to know what they whisper to each other when Mama isn't taking pics :) I think this may be the newest generation of radio's Car Talk :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Guess who's clapping??

And SO proud of it!!
Clap, clap, clap. Hooray we love you!!

Goodbye baby food...hello finger foods!

Despite your TWO little teeth, the beginning of June found you insisting at every meal (pointing that little chubby finger with emphasis!) that you want what brother has on his plate. At first I was so worried don't have enough teeth! But boy are you a champion eater! Mama can't cut the food fast enough!
Mama is so proud of you my sweet Christian!!

A Special Vacation

To kick off your first summer we had a family vacation to Bald Head Island. Even the drive to the coast had Mama admiring your beautiful and delicious sausage feet :)

Oh what fun we had from the ferry ride to the island and on our first adventures investigating all of our new surroundings. The island was SO very beautiful!!

Sailor Christian

MY BOYS                                                         

Hooray for my favorite time of day...time to eat!

You LOVED the sea breezes, riding on the golf cart (our "car" for the weekend since there are no motorized vehicles allowed there), laughing while brother's ice cream melted out of his cone every night :),  playing with Papa in the waves, and being the center of attention in your beach cabana.

I love vacation!!

The Papa Barbershop

Your beautiful hair doesn't need its first trim yet but you enjoy being a part of EVERYTHING that brother and Papa do.

And while you were enjoying the boys time at the the Papa Barbershop you also got some good practice for the Adirondacks....relaxing in our ADK chairs. Now all you need is a book :)

My special "caterpillar" print

One of my most favorite keepsakes is the caterpillar made from my little boys' painted little bottoms. Yes, I've got handprints, footprints, and fingerprints but my favorite of all are those little bottom prints :)
And just like your brother, you make quite a CUTE caterpillar :)
You're going to do what with that paint and my bottom??

It was a family affair :) and your brother got in on the action too :)
I'll be adding the completed caterpillar pic very soon!

A formal invitation to the "man cave"

This morning your big brother "invited" you in to his man cave Christian. What a special honor!

There he hugged you, read you his favorite books, and told you, you were his "best bud."
Oh how you boys make my heart melt without even trying!

First swim of the summer :)

May 24 and it's gorgeous! Time for your first visit to the pool for the summer Christian. You were a HUGE, HUGE fan!! Splashing and trying to dive face first in to the water to follow your monkey brother.

And boy are you delicious in that little bathing suit :)
Papa is VERY excited to take you to the pool every chance we get :)

What mobility does to the monthly picture poses :)

No description is needed....
You want me to stay here??

That's pretty funny Mama...

Here comes the first attempt at the sign

I'll take that

Hurry..take the picture, someone get him to look up

Try behind the head

I'm still going to get it Mama

I've got it...just hold his arms and take the photo...right!

Forget the sign :) That smile makes me melt without a sign!

You make my Mama's Day

The best part about Mother's Day 2012.....the two beautiful boys who I helped create. They will forever be a part of my soul no matter how big they grow. They fill my heart with more love than was thought humanly possible!

Hard to believe a year ago today I didn't "know" who my little one was....and now there is no life without him :)
Happy Mother's Day to me :)

First Big Boy Bath

My little guy has officially grown out of his baby bath tub (as a tear slides down my cheek) taking his first bath with big brother on May 12!
His face communicates the sheer amazement he feels being in the tub with big brother....

"A whole new world" :)