Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Special Vacation

To kick off your first summer we had a family vacation to Bald Head Island. Even the drive to the coast had Mama admiring your beautiful and delicious sausage feet :)

Oh what fun we had from the ferry ride to the island and on our first adventures investigating all of our new surroundings. The island was SO very beautiful!!

Sailor Christian

MY BOYS                                                         

Hooray for my favorite time of day...time to eat!

You LOVED the sea breezes, riding on the golf cart (our "car" for the weekend since there are no motorized vehicles allowed there), laughing while brother's ice cream melted out of his cone every night :),  playing with Papa in the waves, and being the center of attention in your beach cabana.

I love vacation!!

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