Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Movin on up :)

Mama can't believe it but Christian had his first ride in the cart seat!
Front row action to the cars....just like his brother :)

Big brother was pretty darn happy about the set-up too :)

 What this means....
No more "entourage" with Mama pushing C in the stroller and pulling B in the cart (you'd be surprised at how easily I can whip through the aisles this way :))
No more piling groceries around the car seat and Christian as he smiles at me and the checkout people surrounded entirely by produce and cans (because grocery carts rarely fit the car seat on top of the seat portion of the cart!)
Mama gets to kiss you and suck on your cheeks without having to bend over
 YOU get to see the world from a whole new view! did I get here? Does she realize I'm up here?

(boy were you all smiles when you watched the cars in the parking lot and looked at everything in the store...)

Doing a happy dance of freedom :)
And....this means you are getting SO big! I just can't believe it!
I love you Christian! And based on your first "seat" ride I think you and I will be enjoying many little shopping trips together...I can't wait!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Ode to the O's

Christian had his very first cheerio this weekend! And oh how excited he was!!
He loves to grab an entire handful and slap them up to his face in hopes of landing at least one in his mouth :)
For now we enjoy placing a little "O" on his tongue and watching him gum and chew away like he has never tasted anything so delicious.

Big brother Benjamin was very excited for his little bro and cheered for his newest accomplishment by screaming "Congratulations Christian"!!! So cute!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Meal time = Favorite time of the day!

So many of you know how much my boys LOVE to eat!

A black bean soup mustache :)

Meal times are some of our most favorite moments of the day. Lucky me that we get three per day :)

Cruisin for Chicks...Easter Chicks that is... :)

Spring is in the air and Christian was out cruisin...for chicks....the little yellow, fluffy ones for Easter of course! :)
He draped his arm out of his stroller the entire walk on the trail as if he knew just how to draw all of the "oohs" and "aahs".

 You are just too kissable!! :)'re kind of crampin' my style :)

Best Buds

Could it be??? Benjamin adores his little brother so very much that he asked him to play with his Monster Truck....his most prized possession/gift from Santa.
Christian, you were as surprised as we were! :)

What precious boys we have! And what wonderful brothers you are!!!

Happy First Valentine's Day!

Happy first Valentine's to our sweet little boy! You are the most delicious Valentine I could ask for!
 Lots of love from your Mama, Papa, and big brothers Benjamin and Stanford
And Happy Valentine's to Mama!!!
No better Valentine!

Meeting New Cousin Ari!

Benjamin and Christian were overjoyed (as were Mama and Papa!) to meet our new cousin Ari Joseph.
It was a cozy weekend of warm fires (thanks Uncle Marky), baby cuddling, sledding, good food, and wonderful family.

We promise we won't let cousin Christian eat you Ari :)

Ari was Houdini while I was holding him and never failed to get at least one arm out of the swaddle :)
The proud Daddy
Christian loved seeing his first snow :) and we all loved spending time with the newest addition to the family.
We love you Ari!! And you too Aunt Jecca and Uncle Marky!
More pics to come of all the boys together and the entire gang from Aunt Jess' camera...
PS. Thanks again Uncle Marky for all the fun!! Once Benjamin arrived he was attached to his Uncle's leg every waking minute...literally :)

Big brother Earl doing a very good job protecting his little guy

Hours later and he is still smiling

To say it was a fun weekend is an understatement!

Happiness is....

when Papa gets home.

All FOUR of the boys....Christian, Benjamin, Papa, and Stanford are in heaven when Papa arrives! And Mama gets a rare moment to enjoy :)

Why my days are so darn wonderful!

I thought for a brief moment that it might be getting a little old posting pictures of my little guy smiling and making everyone around him happy....and then I remembered... this is HIS blog :) and I plan to post as many pics of my beautiful boy as I can :)
So here are a few more...the very reason why my days are so darn wonderful.

Just another day in the Leonardo house....and many smiles to show for it!

Your first lesson in history

Christian has learned quickly how much his parents love history! Perhaps it was all those years they spent in DC together....or maybe they're a little dorky :). We'll let Christian decide when he gets old enough.
For now, both our boys love our adventures seeking out areas of beauty and history. This long weekend was a visit to of our favorite spots.
The weather was amazing and we loved having the place to ourselves. Christian has become quite the seasoned traveler and had a ball! The makings of a history buff??

Benjamin loves "driving" his brother :) The horses were a little skeptical :)

The first signs of spring...already!

Spring comes early and beautiful in Raleigh and we love it!!! But this year it is even earlier...end of January/first of February seems a little early no matter where you are for the daffodils to be blooming :)
But Christian and Benjamin are certainly enjoying the perfect weather for playing and walking (as are their parents :)).
Lots of sunshine from above and from the stroller and the entire day for that matter :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sweet Dreams for my Sweet Baby Boy

Despite that you are still breastfeeding and you are only 6 1/2 months old you decided to sleep through the night (from 7pm to 7am!!!) on February 7. Mama can not believe how fast you are growing up right before her eyes. And despite how nice it would have been for Mama to sleep the whole night too I was up sneaking in to stare at you, lean in close and smell you...I missed our quiet moments in the middle of the night together. How can I not want to hold my little angel?!
Mama is so proud of you for all of your good sleeping!!! But don't grow up too fast my sweet baby boy. I I love you!!!