Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Movin on up :)

Mama can't believe it but Christian had his first ride in the cart seat!
Front row action to the cars....just like his brother :)

Big brother was pretty darn happy about the set-up too :)

 What this means....
No more "entourage" with Mama pushing C in the stroller and pulling B in the cart (you'd be surprised at how easily I can whip through the aisles this way :))
No more piling groceries around the car seat and Christian as he smiles at me and the checkout people surrounded entirely by produce and cans (because grocery carts rarely fit the car seat on top of the seat portion of the cart!)
Mama gets to kiss you and suck on your cheeks without having to bend over
 YOU get to see the world from a whole new view! did I get here? Does she realize I'm up here?

(boy were you all smiles when you watched the cars in the parking lot and looked at everything in the store...)

Doing a happy dance of freedom :)
And....this means you are getting SO big! I just can't believe it!
I love you Christian! And based on your first "seat" ride I think you and I will be enjoying many little shopping trips together...I can't wait!

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