Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Meeting New Cousin Ari!

Benjamin and Christian were overjoyed (as were Mama and Papa!) to meet our new cousin Ari Joseph.
It was a cozy weekend of warm fires (thanks Uncle Marky), baby cuddling, sledding, good food, and wonderful family.

We promise we won't let cousin Christian eat you Ari :)

Ari was Houdini while I was holding him and never failed to get at least one arm out of the swaddle :)
The proud Daddy
Christian loved seeing his first snow :) and we all loved spending time with the newest addition to the family.
We love you Ari!! And you too Aunt Jecca and Uncle Marky!
More pics to come of all the boys together and the entire gang from Aunt Jess' camera...
PS. Thanks again Uncle Marky for all the fun!! Once Benjamin arrived he was attached to his Uncle's leg every waking minute...literally :)

Big brother Earl doing a very good job protecting his little guy

Hours later and he is still smiling

To say it was a fun weekend is an understatement!

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