Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 24, 2012


He's been waiting patiently after watching his big brother get to have all the fun....and now he's soaring through the air little acrobat!

I don't know how Papa does this (Mama's heart stops every time you leave his hands!) but your smiles and giggles and (our favorite!) how you tuck your little chunky legs up underneath you make it worth all the worry.
You'll reach the moon and the stars just as you have planned :)

The gift that keeps on giving

Almost 6 years ago Mama and Papa received an amazing wedding gift from our dear friends Bruce and Christie - our beautiful matching red kayaks!
A very excited little guy

What is the meaning of this blue thing...reminiscent of his Uncle Smooko :)
Little did we know that only a few short years later (what feels like the blink of an eye!) we would be "filling" our kayaks with two beautiful boys!

Getting ready to cruise with Mama

Two other happy boys!

I don't know how we didn't drop the camera!

What fun we have on our little family "adventures" as Papa likes to call them. Christian loved every minute of it with the exception of when Mama's oar dripped water on to his eye :)
This may become a weekend favorite for sure!

Better than Chocolate

Mama gave up chocolate for lent but it feels like cheating because I get to feast on these.....

Better than bunny ears on Easter morning :) YUM!

First St. Patrick's Day

Our little leprechaun was a little Irish treat for Mama and Papa on his first St. Paddy's Day.

He couldn't enjoy the green pancakes Mama made for big least not yet...but he'll be first in line for them next year :)
The weather could not have been more beautiful in Raleigh so Christian enjoyed the rest of his St. Patrick's Day morning cheering at the St. Paddy's parade downtown.

Happy first St. Patrick's Day to my little lucky charm :)
I love you Bug!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

After a long day of work....

There's nothing like a good hike...with an added 22 lbs to boot :)
Papa loves getting home from work and "strapping on" his boy :) to walk around the house with him.

Most nights he doesn't even change his clothes :) He just loves being with his boys!! You can see how the sentiment is shared :)

....To the top, of a deluxe apartment in the sky.....

Movin on up again (for all of those who know the reference to the song above :))
Christian has moved in to his high chair!! Goodbye Bumbo and hello family...look who's got a real seat at the table now?! (We're pretty sure he was saying that to us on his first dinner in the chair).

Are thu going to feed me or take pictures all day??

Mama is pretty sure he'd camp out here all day if he had the choice...he knows it means food is on the way :)
"We finally got a piece of the pie".......(well almost :))

March Roars in like a Lion

A cute, cuddly, ridiculously beautiful lion :)

A wonderful vacation in MI

Benjamin and Christian had an amazing 10 days with Ga and Mimi in MI! It is definitely a second home to the boys!! We thought the weather would be typical MI weather but after only a couple of dustings of snow there was a burst of spring :) So much for all the snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens we thought we would need :)

A very happy set of grandboys and grandparents!

Meeting Mr. Will

What fun we had taking walks, visiting the nature center, making pasta, having two fish fries at Mama's old school, playing with all kinds of new toys in the secret attic (and Ga's workshop :)), and getting to see lots of friends! 
Mama and Pounders have been friends for almost 30 years!!

This was right before Christian turned to kiss Lo Lo and pull  her hair :)

Christian loved spending time with his Aunt Amy and Uncle Fred and cousins Lo Lo, Nattie, and Dani. They were the perfect entertainment for both boys :)

The many hats of Christian

Mama loves playing "dress-up" with her little boy :)
Getting ready for MI

Thanks for my special hat from China Grandpa John

A little Sumo perhaps?

One of my favorites for both boys!
He's too cute to pass up that opportunity:)