Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The gift that keeps on giving

Almost 6 years ago Mama and Papa received an amazing wedding gift from our dear friends Bruce and Christie - our beautiful matching red kayaks!
A very excited little guy

What is the meaning of this blue thing...reminiscent of his Uncle Smooko :)
Little did we know that only a few short years later (what feels like the blink of an eye!) we would be "filling" our kayaks with two beautiful boys!

Getting ready to cruise with Mama

Two other happy boys!

I don't know how we didn't drop the camera!

What fun we have on our little family "adventures" as Papa likes to call them. Christian loved every minute of it with the exception of when Mama's oar dripped water on to his eye :)
This may become a weekend favorite for sure!

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