Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 18, 2012

A wonderful vacation in MI

Benjamin and Christian had an amazing 10 days with Ga and Mimi in MI! It is definitely a second home to the boys!! We thought the weather would be typical MI weather but after only a couple of dustings of snow there was a burst of spring :) So much for all the snow pants, boots, hats, and mittens we thought we would need :)

A very happy set of grandboys and grandparents!

Meeting Mr. Will

What fun we had taking walks, visiting the nature center, making pasta, having two fish fries at Mama's old school, playing with all kinds of new toys in the secret attic (and Ga's workshop :)), and getting to see lots of friends! 
Mama and Pounders have been friends for almost 30 years!!

This was right before Christian turned to kiss Lo Lo and pull  her hair :)

Christian loved spending time with his Aunt Amy and Uncle Fred and cousins Lo Lo, Nattie, and Dani. They were the perfect entertainment for both boys :)

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