Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 11, 2012

Almost there...

Slowly but surely Christian has been testing out this new and brilliant concept of moving when he needs to get something that is just out of his reach. He quickly dives to his belly and begins to rock, pushing as hard as he can with his arms and as much of his knees as he can muster.

His biggest frustration at the moment is that the more he uses his arms, the more he seems to go backwards and away from the object of his desire (aka his brother's cars).
He's almost there...that next major milestone of crawling is on the horizon...any day now.
Mama is SO proud of you (even though I secretly wish you would stay my little wad of dough contentedly sitting on your blanket smiling up at me).
I LOVE YOU my big strong boy!

Dear Sweet Chunkiness

Dear Sweet Baby Chunkiness,

Please don't disappear too quickly. I'd like to ask that your baby sugar rolls stay forever so that I might be able to feast on those baby thighs every day just as I do now. But I realize that probably wouldn't be ok when you were 15 :)
So for now I will enjoy them every minute...even when you are sleeping (hee monitors are fabulous!) for they are BEYOND delicious!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Nine Months (Already!)

My sweet, beautiful boy
 My sweet baby Christian is nine months old! He is now so close to his first birthday and Mama just can't believe it!


Oh how I have loved each and every minute with you Christian! What a sweet baby you have been from your very first moments here with us through each and every new milestone!
What a star you are and how excited I am to see you grow and grow (but not too fast so Mama can keep eating your baby sugar!)

Hanging with Cousin Ari

Benjamin and Christian have loved spending time with their cousin Ari! These boys are going to be one big bundle of "trouble" when they're all moving and running around at family get-togethers :)

All the boys in February on their first meeting

A little bit bigger :) in April
In the meantime, Uncle Marky and Aunt Jecca (your mom and dad) sure know how to show their nephews a good time :) Ari, just you wait until your Daddy is winning you hundreds of tickets! :)

We can't wait to watch these boys (and cousin Ellie and any others who come along :)) grow together!!

Bath Time

Mama loves every minute with Christian but when it comes to bath time...there is nothing sweeter than my little baby boy squealing with delight, naked, wrapped up all warm and clean like a delicious baby burrito, and absolutely perfect!

A Boy after his Mama's Heart

My newest little "helper" and Christian's new favorite activity....putting the legos away! :)

Benjamin's Nyarn Nyarn

You may remember from a post way back when Christian was first born that Benjamin has quite a few nicknames he has given his little brother. One in particular that has stuck (and is apparently Benjamin's favorite) is "Nyarn Nyarn"
Benjamin - Do you know why I call him Nyarn Nyarn, Mama?
Mama - No, but I would love to know why.
Benjamin - Because he's just a little ball of soft Nyarn with a little soft face.

Well, dear Nyarn Nyarn, your big brother ADORES you and we believe the sentiment is shared equally. You always want to be with Benjamin and he loves playing with you from the moment you both wake up through the baths Benjamin now requests to take together with you :)

The love you two share makes your Mama and Papa so happy our hearts could just burst. We love watching you two share adventures and have fun!!

Our Little Rascal

Christian's "mohawk" is one of our favorite things about all of his new changes. Do we see any resemblance??

I can feed myself!

On a quiet lunch with Mama (when big brother was at preschool) Christian made his Mama SO proud picking up a cheerio and for the very first time successfully getting it to his mouth. Once the first went in and he realized he had done it himself, there was no turning back. Now EVERYTHING and anything proudly heads for his mouth. :)

I am so proud of you big boy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

First Easter

Our sweet boy Christian enjoyed his very first Easter from his first two egg hunts,

Step away from my egg!

to his first Easter morning basket of goodies,

I don't know what this is but it looks like it will be good :)

VERY happy about his first Easter basket

Not phased at all by the large Easter bunny who joined him at the table

 to Easter brunch with the Easter bunny.

As usual, he was all smiles with all of the new adventures. And he was the most wonderful little Easter treat in our Easter basket too :)

Spring has sprung!

This will be the last long johns for a while :)

The beautiful weather has Christian outside for most of the days...watching his big brother hunt for "wigga wamees" and drive his cars around the driveway.
Mama enjoys these days feasting on Christian's delicious cheeks smelling of sunshine and spring :)