Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Benjamin's Nyarn Nyarn

You may remember from a post way back when Christian was first born that Benjamin has quite a few nicknames he has given his little brother. One in particular that has stuck (and is apparently Benjamin's favorite) is "Nyarn Nyarn"
Benjamin - Do you know why I call him Nyarn Nyarn, Mama?
Mama - No, but I would love to know why.
Benjamin - Because he's just a little ball of soft Nyarn with a little soft face.

Well, dear Nyarn Nyarn, your big brother ADORES you and we believe the sentiment is shared equally. You always want to be with Benjamin and he loves playing with you from the moment you both wake up through the baths Benjamin now requests to take together with you :)

The love you two share makes your Mama and Papa so happy our hearts could just burst. We love watching you two share adventures and have fun!!

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