Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 11, 2012

Almost there...

Slowly but surely Christian has been testing out this new and brilliant concept of moving when he needs to get something that is just out of his reach. He quickly dives to his belly and begins to rock, pushing as hard as he can with his arms and as much of his knees as he can muster.

His biggest frustration at the moment is that the more he uses his arms, the more he seems to go backwards and away from the object of his desire (aka his brother's cars).
He's almost there...that next major milestone of crawling is on the horizon...any day now.
Mama is SO proud of you (even though I secretly wish you would stay my little wad of dough contentedly sitting on your blanket smiling up at me).
I LOVE YOU my big strong boy!

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