Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bring on the thunder thighs (baby sugar...yum!)

My boy is turning in to a little chunky monkey....just like I like them! :) More baby sugar to enjoy!!
Wrists that look like rubber bands are tied around them and thighs to match!
And being that it is still blazing hot we get to enjoy his ever-growing thunder thighs and the new little rolls sticking out deliciously from his onesies.

A first smile!

Only 3 weeks old and Christian wowed us with his first VERY intentional smile!
He's actually been smiling since the very first day at the hospital - we swore he was so happy with himself for making such a big surprise :) but the nurses kept telling us it was probably just gas.
Well, there is no doubting those big grins now.
And when he locks eyes with Mama and breaks in to the most beautiful smile, her heart melts in to a big ol' puddle on the floor.
Our little Christian certainly knows his audience too because he has given his Papa lots of smiles and even brother Benjamin is greeted many mornings with this amazing little smile that lights up an entire room!
Seeing my little angel smile at me is quite literally one of the most beautiful things in the world! And I spend the majority of the day doing everything in my power to get him to do it again too :)
This may be one of the only times I will ever wish that I had a phone with me at all times that could snap a quick pic but... I did capture the tail end of one of his smiley moments...I think he was giggling at all the hoopla I was making because of his smiles!

 You are just beyond priceless!!!

Getting to Know Our Christian

I had forgotten how much fun it is in these first weeks to "get to know" the little person who has arrived and stolen your heart!
I am a firm believer that Mama and Baby have quite a special bond during the pregnancy and with that I would argue that Mama in many ways knows a lot of the little personality traits that are already shining through while in utero. But it certainly is a wonder, and such a fun experience to have so many moments in these first few weeks where you get to see and experience the new personality of your little love.
Christian was a firecracker in the womb, came out when he was darn well ready and with unmistakeable confidence (regardless of when he was "supposed" to arrive :)) and has blossomed in to such a wonderful, special presence in our lives. Among the many, many things I adore about Christian, here are some of my favorites that spotlight his beautiful little personality...our Christian :)
I love the little "o" Christian makes with his lips when he's talking to me or even when he is crying and clearly is trying to tell me something
I love that he likes to have his feet pushed up tight to his body whenever he sleeps (must have been cramped in Mama's belly!). He still has the falling reflex on the changing table when I put his feet down to slide the new diaper in. :)
I love that no matter what he is doing (screaming, sleeping, observing, eating) he has precise radar capabilities when it comes to hearing and listening to his big brother's voice. If Benjamin speaks, Christian is all ears. And he will turn his head to where ever Benjamin may be.
I love, love, love, that my sweet Christian prefers to fall asleep with my nipple in his eye. YES, he will kill me someday when he reads this but I don't care. When he is done eating, if he is going to fall asleep, he just wiggles enough to get comfortable and it always includes my nipple in his eye :)
I love how he watches me with just one eye when he first begins eating as if he's watching just to be sure no one's going to come in and grab his nummies :)
I love how the loud noises of the chaos in our house do not phase him in the slightest bit. When Benjamin is running his lawn mower across the tile floor and singing/screaming at the top of his lungs all while the dog howls and chases after him Christian just sits quietly in my arms without so much as an extra blink. Clearly he was listening closely to what was out here in order to be well prepared!
I love that when he is most alert and taking in his surroundings he crosses those little chunky hands as if in prayer. Perhaps he is trying to show us that he is already praying he will survive life with his big brother :) but we think he is just quietly taking it all in, taking notes :). He reminds me so much of his father when he does this!
And I love how he LOVES to be with me. He dislikes all of his boppy chairs and swings because he always prefers being held. Thank goodness for the Moby Wrap!! And despite his spa like nursery/crib and his initial love of the family bassinet, he sleeps best either on my chest or right next to me in bed with my hand on his tummy. This obviously has led to very few hours of sleep for Mama in these early weeks but it is all par for the course as I have the lucky fortune to get to know my son!
You are truly an amazing little guy!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

First moments

Papa was beaming as he announced "it's a beautiful boy!"
And in proud Papa fashion he was armed with the video camera so Mama wouldn't miss a moment as they sewed her up.
And oh how we will forever cherish those first hours with awe of just how beautiful a creation you are! And feeling so blessed for this amazing little boy we have been given!

Finally...Meeting in Person

Big brother Benjamin has been talking to you and sending kisses and hugs through Mama's belly to "Baby" for months now. Your Papa brought Benjamin to meet you for the very first time right around lunch time on your first day with us.
To say that Benjamin was excited is the understatement of the year! He was beside himself running through the hospital to find our room and give us the balloon he picked out and the very special presents he picked out just for you.

Mama and Papa can not describe in words how much love we feel when we see our two boys together and especially when we see how deeply Benjamin already loves you! What friends and brothers you will be!
We feel so blessed and so very complete with our little family!

Our first sunrise together

Despite the shock of your super early arrival and the truly legendary way you raced in to this world with little forewarning :) in the very wee hours of the morning Mama and Papa were floating on cloud 9 in our suite at the hospital, holding you tight, smelling you, kissing you, and admiring your persistence and tenacity (so much like your Papa!).
One whole wall of our room was floor to ceiling windows overlooking beautiful trees and your Mama captured our first sunrise together as it peered over the horizon on your very first morning.
Happy July 19, 2011 Christian! Welcome to your new world!!

With Mama and Papa

There is absolutely nothing like the very first moments when you are able to hold the little one you have been talking to and imagining for 10 months!
Your first screams were music to my ears and as Papa held you close for me to kiss and touch you smelled like the perfect angel that you are!
And Mama was in heaven holding you for the first time just a few minutes later. Everyone else just disappeared and it was my new little boy and me (and my beautiful husband too!). What a treasure you are to us!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My strong-willed little man!

Baby Christian made his arrival in to this world 14 full days before his due date and 9 days ahead of his scheduled c-section arrival. And he came in great style! :)
He woke Mama out of a sound sleep with a major contraction at 12:33am and Mama and Papa were racing to the hospital by 2:00am with contractions only about 3 minutes apart. By the time we walked in to the hospital and they had Mama tied up to monitors and the doctor called out of his sleep Baby was already pushing down and giving Mama no time to breathe between intense contractions that were now no more than 30 seconds apart.

 I'm smiling in this picture but only because I didn't want the camera to record how much desperate pain I was in! Oooh boy was my baby a demanding little one ready to come out!
Your proud Papa who drove nearly 90 miles an hour to get us to the hospital on two lane roads (with Mama praying the deer would stay clear of the car!) and held Mama's hand whispering her through all of the crazy contractions was all smiles in his special scrubs that Mama made him for the occasion.

If they hadn't wheeled Mama in to the OR right then Baby Christian would have defied all odds and been born vaginally!
Born at 3:48am on a sunny summer Tuesday in July weighing in at 7lbs 2oz despite the early arrival...

from the moment he was conceived he has been our little miracle and he made his grand entrance in to this world memorable to say the true little champion!