Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Getting to Know Our Christian

I had forgotten how much fun it is in these first weeks to "get to know" the little person who has arrived and stolen your heart!
I am a firm believer that Mama and Baby have quite a special bond during the pregnancy and with that I would argue that Mama in many ways knows a lot of the little personality traits that are already shining through while in utero. But it certainly is a wonder, and such a fun experience to have so many moments in these first few weeks where you get to see and experience the new personality of your little love.
Christian was a firecracker in the womb, came out when he was darn well ready and with unmistakeable confidence (regardless of when he was "supposed" to arrive :)) and has blossomed in to such a wonderful, special presence in our lives. Among the many, many things I adore about Christian, here are some of my favorites that spotlight his beautiful little personality...our Christian :)
I love the little "o" Christian makes with his lips when he's talking to me or even when he is crying and clearly is trying to tell me something
I love that he likes to have his feet pushed up tight to his body whenever he sleeps (must have been cramped in Mama's belly!). He still has the falling reflex on the changing table when I put his feet down to slide the new diaper in. :)
I love that no matter what he is doing (screaming, sleeping, observing, eating) he has precise radar capabilities when it comes to hearing and listening to his big brother's voice. If Benjamin speaks, Christian is all ears. And he will turn his head to where ever Benjamin may be.
I love, love, love, that my sweet Christian prefers to fall asleep with my nipple in his eye. YES, he will kill me someday when he reads this but I don't care. When he is done eating, if he is going to fall asleep, he just wiggles enough to get comfortable and it always includes my nipple in his eye :)
I love how he watches me with just one eye when he first begins eating as if he's watching just to be sure no one's going to come in and grab his nummies :)
I love how the loud noises of the chaos in our house do not phase him in the slightest bit. When Benjamin is running his lawn mower across the tile floor and singing/screaming at the top of his lungs all while the dog howls and chases after him Christian just sits quietly in my arms without so much as an extra blink. Clearly he was listening closely to what was out here in order to be well prepared!
I love that when he is most alert and taking in his surroundings he crosses those little chunky hands as if in prayer. Perhaps he is trying to show us that he is already praying he will survive life with his big brother :) but we think he is just quietly taking it all in, taking notes :). He reminds me so much of his father when he does this!
And I love how he LOVES to be with me. He dislikes all of his boppy chairs and swings because he always prefers being held. Thank goodness for the Moby Wrap!! And despite his spa like nursery/crib and his initial love of the family bassinet, he sleeps best either on my chest or right next to me in bed with my hand on his tummy. This obviously has led to very few hours of sleep for Mama in these early weeks but it is all par for the course as I have the lucky fortune to get to know my son!
You are truly an amazing little guy!!

1 comment:

  1. Love all of this! Can't wait to meet him and get to know his little personality myself!!!
