Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A first smile!

Only 3 weeks old and Christian wowed us with his first VERY intentional smile!
He's actually been smiling since the very first day at the hospital - we swore he was so happy with himself for making such a big surprise :) but the nurses kept telling us it was probably just gas.
Well, there is no doubting those big grins now.
And when he locks eyes with Mama and breaks in to the most beautiful smile, her heart melts in to a big ol' puddle on the floor.
Our little Christian certainly knows his audience too because he has given his Papa lots of smiles and even brother Benjamin is greeted many mornings with this amazing little smile that lights up an entire room!
Seeing my little angel smile at me is quite literally one of the most beautiful things in the world! And I spend the majority of the day doing everything in my power to get him to do it again too :)
This may be one of the only times I will ever wish that I had a phone with me at all times that could snap a quick pic but... I did capture the tail end of one of his smiley moments...I think he was giggling at all the hoopla I was making because of his smiles!

 You are just beyond priceless!!!

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