Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My strong-willed little man!

Baby Christian made his arrival in to this world 14 full days before his due date and 9 days ahead of his scheduled c-section arrival. And he came in great style! :)
He woke Mama out of a sound sleep with a major contraction at 12:33am and Mama and Papa were racing to the hospital by 2:00am with contractions only about 3 minutes apart. By the time we walked in to the hospital and they had Mama tied up to monitors and the doctor called out of his sleep Baby was already pushing down and giving Mama no time to breathe between intense contractions that were now no more than 30 seconds apart.

 I'm smiling in this picture but only because I didn't want the camera to record how much desperate pain I was in! Oooh boy was my baby a demanding little one ready to come out!
Your proud Papa who drove nearly 90 miles an hour to get us to the hospital on two lane roads (with Mama praying the deer would stay clear of the car!) and held Mama's hand whispering her through all of the crazy contractions was all smiles in his special scrubs that Mama made him for the occasion.

If they hadn't wheeled Mama in to the OR right then Baby Christian would have defied all odds and been born vaginally!
Born at 3:48am on a sunny summer Tuesday in July weighing in at 7lbs 2oz despite the early arrival...

from the moment he was conceived he has been our little miracle and he made his grand entrance in to this world memorable to say the true little champion!

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