Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pure love

Your Papa secretly snapped this picture when Mama was stealing some quiet time with you out on the porch and he just sent it to Mama.

I wanted you to see it because it captures how I feel about you just perfectly.
I am in awe of you and I love you more than words can ever describe.
When you look at Mama like you do with those chocolate brown eyes and we talk to each other in a glance I know we will forever be connected.
I love you.

Friday, September 23, 2011

To my son

Dear Christian,
I sing this to you every night (as I did your brother). Someday you will hear it and think of your Mama.
The words are forever true!

Come stop your crying, it will be alright.
Just take my hand, hold it tight.
I will protect you from all around you
I will be here don't you cry.

For one so small, you seem so strong.
My arms will hold you keep you safe and warm.
This bond between us can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry.

Cause you'll be in my heart.
Yes you'll be in my heart.
From this day on, now and forever more.

You'll be in my heart.
No matter what they say.
You'll be here in my heart


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Enough with the pictures :)

I had to post these photos because he was just too cute!
And I love that it looks like he is preparing to box me...he didn't want the hat caught on camera :)
 Say cheese Bugaboo!

Two months old already!

Dear Christian,
Time is going too quickly! You are already two months old and Mama still feels like we just left the hospital! (I feel that way about your brother some days too!!)
You are growing like crazy....loving Mama's milk. It seems like you were just 5 days old

 and yet you just weighed in at a whopping almost 14 lbs which is double your birth weight. Holy cannoli! No wonder Mama's back is getting sore :)
But I'll take a sore back if it means you are healthy and happy (and of course if it means I get to nibble on those delicious thunder thighs!).
You are already sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night...what an amazing little boy you are! And what a gift to Mama!! Keep growing big and strong my beautiful Bugaboo!!!! We love you!

Who do we see??

From the moment any baby is born people (including Mamas and Papas) start wondering and talking about who they look like.
Well, at this point there is no mistaking that Christian has his Mama's eyelashes!
But here it is folks... a little mini Papa (Sam) caught on camera. The same look, the same little quiet smile as he waits patiently while I take pictures.
Looks like you might have your brother's eyes too....
Time will tell! Regardless, we love every inch of you!!!

Brotherly Love

To say that Benjamin adores his baby brother is a gross understatement!
Oh how Benjamin loves you Christian!! He wants to know where you are, what you are doing, and hold you every other second of the day. He sure can't wait until you are big enough to play with him. He tries to get you to hold his cars every day just in case your hands have started "working" as he likes to say :)

Surrounded by the ladies...already!

Christian got to meet his lovely lady cousins Ms. Josephine and Ms. Eleanor and wonderful Aunt Marian. He seemed to know how to work the room already :)
We can't wait to see you again!!!

A first visit to the Adirondacks

Christian reached an important milestone...his first visit to our beloved Adirondack mountains. His Mama has been coming to 4th Lake since she was 5 years old (in fact this summer was the first in about 25 years that she wasn't able to be there for the 4th of July for a little reason called Baby Christian :)) and she was so excited to introduce him to the gorgeous mountains and perfect lake.

He'll be ready for his first water skiing lessons soon :) but in the meantime he enjoyed some serious napping down at the's his view from his little nest.
It wasn't all sleepy time though....ok, who am I kidding :) Christian was only 7 weeks old so there was plenty of sleeping (the beautiful mountain air can do that to you :)). He was my little sleeping bundle on the walks to town
And my little sleeping partner during our morning hikes (and might I add a delicious snack with those cheeks this close :))
He must already love the lake because he started kicking those little legs in his first "dip" in 4th Lake! By next summer he'll be running in to the water!
What a wonderful family trip it was! And a perfect way to welcome the fall season!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Ga/Mimi House Tradition

In their first visit to Ga and Mimi's house both boys have now had a special bath in the sink :)
It has become one of my favorite traditions introducing the boys to their Grandparent's house (and certainly some of my favorite pictures :))

Christian thoroughly enjoyed his sink bath! My little chunky monkey loves his Mimi!

Filling the Onesie

Just for your Godmother and Uncle Daniel....
They made you something very special when you were still cooking in Mama's belly! And in honor of your making it down and up the cliff for their wedding :) it is only fitting to have you wear your onesie with pride now that you are here!
You were there and now you are here :) Hee hee!!
Congratulations again Aunt Megan and Uncle Daniel! So glad I could be there with you to celebrate :)

Meeting your family!

Dear Christian,
We have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to introduce you in person to so many of your wonderful family members who have been waiting anxiously for your arrival.
In addition to having met your Ga and Mimi, Nana Leonardo, and Aunt Jessica all within the first two weeks of your life the next few weeks brought Grandpa John from Arizona
And your first ride in an airplane and first trip to Ga and Mimi's house where you met
Godmother Aunt Megan and Uncle Daniel

Godfather Uncle Marky
 And Uncle Michael

But the fun didn't end were quite the hit at your Aunt Megan's MI wedding reception meeting almost all of your great-aunts and uncles and second cousins.
And Mama was so excited to introduce you to your Great Grandpa Messmer

And your Great Nana (Nonna) Piciulo

You will quickly see how important your family is in your life! What special moments for Mama to share you with those who will love you forever! Can you feel the love?? :)
PS. Your Aunt Anne Marie has been eating your cheeks via Skype since you arrived! She is very busy getting ready to bring your new cousin Baby Girl Messmer in to the world so she could not be here in MI in person but we will get to see her soon!

Could it be....four generations of Fighting Irish???

My husband Sam - ND alum and devoted fan - could NOT wait to have his new son decked out in fighting Irish gear! He's a little too small for his jersey just yet but he's just as delicious in his ND stripes and Irish shirt :)

Despite the deer in headlights look Papa (Sam) gets momentarily when thinking of the price :) it's not hard to see he is ALL smiles introducing a potential 4th generation of Irishmen to the Donlon/Leonardo family.
If Benjamin and/or Christian attend Notre Dame they will follow in the wonderful family footsteps of their great-grandfather Donlon, Grandpa John Leonardo, and Papa!
Such proud ND boys...yes, even our hairy, four-legged boy has his own official jersey :)!
As we did with Benjamin, Christian's first cheer will be GO IRISH! :)


Anyone who knows me can attest to how much I rave about the Moby wrap! It was a lifesaver with Benjamin and when I was pregnant this time around I had a sneaking suspicion that my baby would love it even more than Benjamin did.
I was RIGHT! Christian is a huge fan and Mama and Papa are grateful for the close snuggles, two free hands, and pain-free back.
Yay for the Moby!!!

PS. Thanks to my dear friend Pounders who introduced this miracle to us back in 2009! :) Still loving it....