Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Two months old already!

Dear Christian,
Time is going too quickly! You are already two months old and Mama still feels like we just left the hospital! (I feel that way about your brother some days too!!)
You are growing like crazy....loving Mama's milk. It seems like you were just 5 days old

 and yet you just weighed in at a whopping almost 14 lbs which is double your birth weight. Holy cannoli! No wonder Mama's back is getting sore :)
But I'll take a sore back if it means you are healthy and happy (and of course if it means I get to nibble on those delicious thunder thighs!).
You are already sleeping 5-6 hour stretches at night...what an amazing little boy you are! And what a gift to Mama!! Keep growing big and strong my beautiful Bugaboo!!!! We love you!

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