Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 22, 2011

A first visit to the Adirondacks

Christian reached an important milestone...his first visit to our beloved Adirondack mountains. His Mama has been coming to 4th Lake since she was 5 years old (in fact this summer was the first in about 25 years that she wasn't able to be there for the 4th of July for a little reason called Baby Christian :)) and she was so excited to introduce him to the gorgeous mountains and perfect lake.

He'll be ready for his first water skiing lessons soon :) but in the meantime he enjoyed some serious napping down at the's his view from his little nest.
It wasn't all sleepy time though....ok, who am I kidding :) Christian was only 7 weeks old so there was plenty of sleeping (the beautiful mountain air can do that to you :)). He was my little sleeping bundle on the walks to town
And my little sleeping partner during our morning hikes (and might I add a delicious snack with those cheeks this close :))
He must already love the lake because he started kicking those little legs in his first "dip" in 4th Lake! By next summer he'll be running in to the water!
What a wonderful family trip it was! And a perfect way to welcome the fall season!

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