Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Meeting your family!

Dear Christian,
We have been so fortunate to have the opportunity to introduce you in person to so many of your wonderful family members who have been waiting anxiously for your arrival.
In addition to having met your Ga and Mimi, Nana Leonardo, and Aunt Jessica all within the first two weeks of your life the next few weeks brought Grandpa John from Arizona
And your first ride in an airplane and first trip to Ga and Mimi's house where you met
Godmother Aunt Megan and Uncle Daniel

Godfather Uncle Marky
 And Uncle Michael

But the fun didn't end were quite the hit at your Aunt Megan's MI wedding reception meeting almost all of your great-aunts and uncles and second cousins.
And Mama was so excited to introduce you to your Great Grandpa Messmer

And your Great Nana (Nonna) Piciulo

You will quickly see how important your family is in your life! What special moments for Mama to share you with those who will love you forever! Can you feel the love?? :)
PS. Your Aunt Anne Marie has been eating your cheeks via Skype since you arrived! She is very busy getting ready to bring your new cousin Baby Girl Messmer in to the world so she could not be here in MI in person but we will get to see her soon!

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