Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Or maybe lobster for dinner??

Anyone craving lobster? I am!
And those little sausage feet can be dipped in butter for dessert :)

Mimi's Spaghetti

Dear Mimi,
Oh how I love your spaghetti. I'd like to wear it as a fact, I think I might try that! :)


It's official, football season is here! And the Leonardo house is ready to cheer on their beloved Irish!
All my boys are decked out in their Irish best (yes, even the dog is wearing his jersey!!)
A proud ND Papa and his Irish boys!
 Now, Christian is just trying to figure out which drink to bring to the tailgate :) Maybe he'll double fist it :)

What preschool looks like for the little brother...

Christian loves watching his big brother get all excited to run in to his new classroom at St. Francis. And after an introduction to the car box on orientation day, Christian is ready to join in on the fun too (not yet my little one...give Mama a couple more years before you are ready to race off!). But the constant back and forth in the car is REALLY what preschool feels like for little brother....

You are the most patient, easy-going guy Mama has ever met Christian! Thank you for being so understanding with all of the hours we spend in the car each week.Now....I'm going to eat some baby sugar for a late breakfast :) hee hee hee!

A secret adventure with Papa

Long lost pics from our Adirondack adventures have surfaced thanks to Mama searching through Papa's phone pics. Little did she know that Papa had such great pics of Christian's first hike up Rocky Point! And a celebratory "baba" when he reached the top :)

Headed up with Papa and loving every minute of it! Papa feels the same way too!
Made it to the summit!
 Christian cheered for Mama as they watched me water ski down below :)

You make us so happy Christian!!! What a special morning adventure with your Papa in the mountains. Next year Mama will find these pics a whole lot sooner :)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

On a rainy Saturday :)

Who said rainy days couldn't be fun??? Mama and Papa don't think so! And our two little boys aka "race drivers" don't think so either!

Lord, we love these little guys...they make even the most quiet, rainy Saturdays FULL of smiles!

Breakfast Bath

Christian has just about as much fun in his high chair as he does in the pool! This picture doesn't show the "bath" he's just taken with his cereal and pears....he's just SO delicious!

True Persistence - Hours of Car Puzzle

Christian's current favorite toy and activity is doing, and redoing, and redoing a car puzzle of his brother's. We spend hours each day with him handing us the pieces and then watching carefully as we put them in. If we slow down, he lets us know :). And he makes the cutest sounds telling us what each car is! When the puzzle is complete he squeals with delight and dumps it all out to start again :)

But the very best is when, after 45 minutes of puzzle time after work, Papa had to go potty. Christian insisted that he continue doing the puzzle so he crawled right over to the bathroom with one of the pieces and proceeded to pound on the door, telling Papa he had better get a move on! :) That's what we like to see Christian....good persistence! :)

Happy First Birthday Christian!!!

Our sweet baby boy is ONE YEAR OLD! We can not believe how fast the year has gone.
What a surprise you were coming so early! And oh how Mama loved cuddling with you asleep on my chest or curled up in my legs or next to me on the bed. While Papa, Mimi, and Ga kept your excited big brother busy, Mama basked in beautiful little you. My bundle from heaven! It all doesn't seem that long ago...

From the moment you arrived you have had the sweetest disposition; always willing to go with the flow, so eager to watch everything your big brother is doing, smiling, laughing, and making everyone around you so happy with those big, beautiful, dark eyes, the longest eyelashes, and quite the knack for flirting so that no one can resist!
You make us so VERY, VERY proud Christian! You've learned so many things and grown so big and strong over the last 12 months. Time has gone too fast for Mama who wants to freeze you as my little baby!! But no matter how big you get, you will always be my sweet baby boy.
We've had so much fun celebrating such a special birthday with you! First, you had your favorite...a monkey cake :) (a monkey for our little monkey!). Monkeys ALWAYS make you smile and giggle (you've had one in your crib forever) so Mama wanted to make you this cake for your first birthday.

Happy early birthday Christian!

Although it was a couple of weeks early we celebrated with Mama's whole family in the Adirondacks so you had quite the birthday party!
Then on your very special day, you woke up to lots of first birthday presents :). Your big brother was a big help showing you how to open everything.

 Your favorites (just as we expected) were your new car, remote control, and Scoodles.

 Mama and Papa took you to build a special bear just from us with love. You knew exactly which one you wanted and you couldn't wait to hold it and kiss it. You sleep with it now every night!

 Ga and Mimi were here to celebrate with us and along with our good friends Mrs. Saydak and the whole crew we had a big party and ANOTHER special cake made especially by Mimi. You couldn't wait to get your hands in to your elephant cake :).

  We love you so very much Christian. Happy first birthday!!! Don't grow too fast...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Leonardos take over Assateague Island!

We hopped in the car and waved goodbye to our mountain vacation to head straight for our beach vacation :)
The Leonardo family gathered together at a beautiful beach house to enjoy the hot summer sun, salt water, and fresh crabs, glorious crabs! :)
Cousin Josie was a BIG fan of crabs along with your big brother Benjamin!
Although you couldn't partake in the crabs sweet Christian you were a HUGE fan of meeting your Uncle Nathan, Aunt Suzette, and new cousin Geronimo for the first time!

Big hugs and kisses for our Grandpa John!!

First 4th of July

Your first 4th of July Christian and one of what will be many, many on the lake in the Adirondacks! I know Mama keeps reminiscing about where we were last year but I just can't help it. A year has gone so very fast! Last year when you were bundled up inside, Mama was DYING from the heat and spending her very first 4th of July NOT in the mountains because she knew her angel was going to come early (call it Mama's intuition!). So instead we celebrated here with Uncle Marky and Aunt Jecca (and your cousin-to-be Ari who was dancing around inside Aunt Jecca then too :)).

This year, my sweet baby boy celebrated his country's independence with some shaker music (thanks Aunt Anne Marie!) and his first experience of Mama's obsession with 4th of July parties and decorations :)

 Happy first 4th of July Christian!!!
4th of July sunset over 4th lake

Adirondacks 2012

This time last year you were kicking and punching to come out of Mama's very large belly! And it would only be two weeks later.... :)
This is already your second trip to the Adirondacks in your first year of life but this time you were on the move and ready to play! And you had plenty of playmates this trip!

 Christian enjoyed our gorgeous 4th Lake and the vehicles he so desperately wanted to drive on that lake :). Plus, there was not an ounce of fear in our little guy when it came to flying across the water on Ga's boat. We were not surprised you squealed with delight :)

And since it was vacation, and you were only a couple of weeks away from the "official" date when you would be allowed to have dairy, we thought a little first taste of Gelato (Papa's favorite salted caramel!) wouldn't hurt too much!

Playing with Lo Lo, Nattie, and Dani and our cars was the best!
We had so much fun with our family and we can't wait to go back! The family love for this place that holds such a special place in our hearts starts early...and you were definitely a part of it this summer!