Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy First Birthday Christian!!!

Our sweet baby boy is ONE YEAR OLD! We can not believe how fast the year has gone.
What a surprise you were coming so early! And oh how Mama loved cuddling with you asleep on my chest or curled up in my legs or next to me on the bed. While Papa, Mimi, and Ga kept your excited big brother busy, Mama basked in beautiful little you. My bundle from heaven! It all doesn't seem that long ago...

From the moment you arrived you have had the sweetest disposition; always willing to go with the flow, so eager to watch everything your big brother is doing, smiling, laughing, and making everyone around you so happy with those big, beautiful, dark eyes, the longest eyelashes, and quite the knack for flirting so that no one can resist!
You make us so VERY, VERY proud Christian! You've learned so many things and grown so big and strong over the last 12 months. Time has gone too fast for Mama who wants to freeze you as my little baby!! But no matter how big you get, you will always be my sweet baby boy.
We've had so much fun celebrating such a special birthday with you! First, you had your favorite...a monkey cake :) (a monkey for our little monkey!). Monkeys ALWAYS make you smile and giggle (you've had one in your crib forever) so Mama wanted to make you this cake for your first birthday.

Happy early birthday Christian!

Although it was a couple of weeks early we celebrated with Mama's whole family in the Adirondacks so you had quite the birthday party!
Then on your very special day, you woke up to lots of first birthday presents :). Your big brother was a big help showing you how to open everything.

 Your favorites (just as we expected) were your new car, remote control, and Scoodles.

 Mama and Papa took you to build a special bear just from us with love. You knew exactly which one you wanted and you couldn't wait to hold it and kiss it. You sleep with it now every night!

 Ga and Mimi were here to celebrate with us and along with our good friends Mrs. Saydak and the whole crew we had a big party and ANOTHER special cake made especially by Mimi. You couldn't wait to get your hands in to your elephant cake :).

  We love you so very much Christian. Happy first birthday!!! Don't grow too fast...

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