Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 9, 2012

First 4th of July

Your first 4th of July Christian and one of what will be many, many on the lake in the Adirondacks! I know Mama keeps reminiscing about where we were last year but I just can't help it. A year has gone so very fast! Last year when you were bundled up inside, Mama was DYING from the heat and spending her very first 4th of July NOT in the mountains because she knew her angel was going to come early (call it Mama's intuition!). So instead we celebrated here with Uncle Marky and Aunt Jecca (and your cousin-to-be Ari who was dancing around inside Aunt Jecca then too :)).

This year, my sweet baby boy celebrated his country's independence with some shaker music (thanks Aunt Anne Marie!) and his first experience of Mama's obsession with 4th of July parties and decorations :)

 Happy first 4th of July Christian!!!
4th of July sunset over 4th lake

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