Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 12, 2012

True Persistence - Hours of Car Puzzle

Christian's current favorite toy and activity is doing, and redoing, and redoing a car puzzle of his brother's. We spend hours each day with him handing us the pieces and then watching carefully as we put them in. If we slow down, he lets us know :). And he makes the cutest sounds telling us what each car is! When the puzzle is complete he squeals with delight and dumps it all out to start again :)

But the very best is when, after 45 minutes of puzzle time after work, Papa had to go potty. Christian insisted that he continue doing the puzzle so he crawled right over to the bathroom with one of the pieces and proceeded to pound on the door, telling Papa he had better get a move on! :) That's what we like to see Christian....good persistence! :)

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