Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2012

First TOOTH!

You may have noticed the plethora of bibs that have become a priority piece of Christian's wardrobe these days :)

Or the myriad of teethers we have on hand no matter where we are :)
Well (no pun intended)...the constant state of Niagara Falls was for good reason. Christian's first tooth has arrived! Mama found it while he was snacking on her finger in his bath. Glad to have found it then rather than later that evening while he was eating :)
It's off to the races from here...I can tell he is already wondering why we aren't sharing our pizza on Friday that he has his first valuable chomper.
Here's to all of your beautiful new teeth as each one adds to your gorgeous smile Bug!

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