Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, January 2, 2012

Meeting New Cousin Ellie

Christian and Mama traveled to Topeka, KS to meet new cousin (and Goddaughter) baby Ellie as she celebrated her 2nd month birthday.
Mama was so excited to meet her first niece on this side of the family and Christian was thrilled....each and every time we brought him over to say hello he tried to eat Ellie!

She is certainly delicious but I don't think Aunt Anne Marie and Uncle Michael want you to eat her, Christian!
When Christian wasn't trying to eat Ellie he was trying to breastfeed on Uncle Michael's elbow....oops! My little champion eater...always ready for a meal....

That's definitely not Mama though :)

It is an understatement to say that Ga and Mimi were happy as clams holding their two newest grandbabies. One more will close out their year!

We have officially started the countdown to Christmas :)
Mark our words...these photos will some day grace both Christian and Eleanore's graduation slide show. :)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait until they can see each other again! I want to hear them talk to each other and wonder what they're saying. :o)
