Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Your Name

Dear Christian,
From the day you arrived your brother Benjamin has loved saying your name. He is VERY proud to tell everyone he meets who his baby is:)
But recently he has taken to calling you by a number of new nicknames that he has come up with all on his own (hmmm, no similarities to his Mama with that trait :)). We are working to get all of them on video so we have record of them all but in the event that some fade away before you can remember them I wanted to share your brother's favorites with you. Benjamin loves to call you...
  • Bay Bay (pronounced without the long vowel but not Ba Ba)
  • Little wad of dough (I think he heard Mama saying this too many times :))
  • Little Feta (by far our favorite! We have no idea where this came from...aren't even sure if/how B knows what feta cheese is(!)....but you know how much your brother loves to eat :)
  • Christian Glistian
  • NOT Hairy Brother   (Benjamin now calls Stanford Hairy Brother as a step up from Brother. He has made this important distinction since his new little brother came to stay :) and it is classic when he yells..."hey, NOT Hairy Brother, look at my cars.")
  • Nyarn yarn (we have NO idea but B thinks it is hilarious)


  1. WOW does he ever take after you Melinda! I love that you're sharing these. :o) I think my favorite is Little Feta too (does Papa call him little fella?).
